Home / Editorials / June 2018 Review Roundup includes Conan, Vampyr, Everspace and more

June 2018 Review Roundup includes Conan, Vampyr, Everspace and more

June was a pretty happening month for new games, all things considered. Fifteen big reviews await you after the break, if you missed any of it.

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You might be wondering if you’ve seen a “review roundup” on BG before, and the answer that that is “no”. This is the first one that we’re doing, but it’s intended to roll on into the future, with new roundups hitting every first week of the month.

It’s our way of trying to keep you guys better up to date with the games/comics/toys/whatever that we’ve taken a look at. So scroll down, have a peek at the scores and Final Thoughts, and then click through if you’re interested in seeing even more.



  • West of Loathing

    A dark cowboy comedy that uses RPG mechanics and text relish in the ridiculous is not something easy to pull off. West of Loathing is a witty game wearing good jokes and bad puns.

    Our score: 80%

  • Conan Exiles

    Conan Exiles is a great survival game. It is perhaps my favorite of all the survival games available on the Xbox One. Although there is some trial and error, it feels a lot more forgiving than ARK. I also feel like there are a lot more choices in the way to craft items than ARK. While playing ARK, even though it was a survival game, it felt linear. Conan Exiles does a great job of creating an immersive open world. If you are a fan of the survival genre or the Conan lore, than I would suggest picking up this game.

    Our score: 82%

  • Antigraviator

    If you’re looking for a game that allows you to race a few laps, with minimal need to adjust your mirrors or transmission specs, then Antigraviator is the game for you.

    Our score: 83%

  • Space Hulk Deathwing: Enhanced Edition

    With a deep customization system, tense moment-to-moment horde gameplay, and richly detailed environments, Space Hulk: Deathwing deserves a spot on your radar

    Our score: 70%

  • Shaq Fu

    Don’t expect to be in this for the long haul or be challenged at all. What you’ve gotten yourself into is a quick beat ’em up. Nothing is wrong with the game, but it doesn’t do anything new or different. It’s enjoyable, funny and bug-free. Worth picking up when it’s a bit cheaper. It really is too short for the price. That’s the only real criticism here. Other than that, it’s a solid beat ’em up game.

    Our score: 75%

  • Agony

    Honestly, I can’t recommend a game so unfinished. There was a lot of wasted potential here for a convincing trip to hell. The conceptual settings makes me think a concept artist somewhere tried his best. Unfortunately this hodge-podge of poor execution makes the game look and act like some edgy, wannabe Satanist teenager. It’s unpredictable, temperamental, sometimes is a good boy, and sometimes draws a cool summoning circle once in awhile, thinks it’s cool and tries really hard but isn’t convincing anyone.

    Our score: 43%

  • Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido

    Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido combines action puzzling, strategy, and a buffet of RPG mechanics to create a deep and dazzling dish.

    Our score: 80%

  • Dragon’s Crown Pro

    Dragon’s Crown Pro improves upon the original release in almost every way. It’s a terrific hack and slash made even better with 4k support and all the bells and whistles you’d expect. Having cross-play with the earlier edition is a nice bonus too. If you didn’t play it before, play it now.

    Our score: 90%

  • Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

    YsVIII: Lacrimosa of Dana was my first experience with an Ys title, and it didn’t disappoint. The game offers excellent visuals, sound and localization, as well as a terrific story to keep you questing.

    Our score: 87%

  • Everspace

    EVERSPACE remains a wholly unique experience on PS4. Wonky controls and a downscaled look don’t overshadow what’s still a great rogue-like space experience.

    Our score: 80%

  • Aqua Moto Racing Utopia

    There’s a lot to pick at in Aqua Moto Racing Utopia, but there’s also a lot to enjoy. The game has issues with it’s difficulty, yes, though a lot of that comes from its design. The graphics are solid however, the courses are mostly fun, and the control isn’t bad. If you can get past the negatives, there’s fun to be had.

    Our score: 74%

  • Vampyr

    This is a great game and a fun adventure. I do not think there has been a similar game in this vampire setting. On top of that, we get to experience London in 1918 and we get a great experience of this dire time. I like to describe this game as a narrative game with a side of action. There is plenty of combat, but the real star of this game is the NPCs (can’t believe I just wrote that), the branching story line and the choices players must make during game play. There are a few items that I wish were done better, but they do not impede the game. The story is enthralling and I was on the edge of my seat as it unraveled. I would highly recommend picking up and sinking your teeth into Vampyr.

    Our score: 91%

  • Fox n Forests

    Fox n Forests is a fantastic trip through a semi-lost genre. The platforming action is well done, the graphics are terrific, and the game oozes with atmosphere and charm. The checkpoint system is not the best, but other than that it’s easy to recommend.

    Our score: 87%

Comics and Collectibles

  • Koshchei the Deathless #6 (of6)

    A short ‘n sweet series that brought veteran experience to the fore. Illustrated magnificently, told as if by a beloved grandfather, there were few blemishes on this nigh perfect tale of deathless resolution.

    Our score: 93%

  • Super 7 Masters of the Universe action figures Wave 4

    The fourth wave of ReAction Masters of the Universe figures from Super 7 is every bit as good as the first three. Actually, it might be even better as the company is starting to get into different body-types and even action features. Minor issues aside, this remains a terrific throwback line that’s only getting better.

    Our score: 87%

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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