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Bethesda makes Fallout 76 official with teaser trailer

Get ready vault-dwellers, there’s a new Fallout title coming. Set to be shown off at E3, Bethesda teased Fallout 76 this morning, with a brief trailer that might actually say quite a bit.


Just over a minute and a half there for that look at Fallout 76, which admittedly isn’t much. Of course, Bethesda says that there’s plenty more to be said about the game, but we’ll have to wait till next month’s E3 for that.

So what can we glean now? Well the song for one thing. Country Road by John Denver references a locale that would be pretty new for the series. West Virginia, or some kind of rural setting, could be the setting for Fallout 76. And that could prove to be pretty cool, with all new challenges as players could explore a post-apocalyptic countryside, and maybe even some mountainous terrain. That’s referenced in the tune as well.

It would also be kind of cool to be based in a settlement, ready to go. In the trailer, the player character suits up with the remnants of a party in the backdrop. Could this have been a celebration for finally getting out of the vault? And if that’s the case, could the dwellers be living in a new settlement nearby? That could create some interesting story points for players to explore, as their character would be part of a group that they’d have known all their lives.

Or… it could all be a setup for a Battle Royale. We don’t really know.

One thing’s for sure, we’ll all find out just what Fallout 76 is come June the 10th, at 6:30pm Pacific time. A presentation you can catch either at YouTube.com/BethesdaSoftworks or Twitch.TV/Bethesda.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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