Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Krampus
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Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Krampus (comic) Review

Ash meets a new neighbor during the holidays, and faces an old antagonist in Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Krampus.

Evil Dead 2: Revenge of KrampusEvil Dead 2: Revenge of Krampus

Are you a fan of Evil Dead? Maybe you’ve seen Army of Darkness? How about Ash Vs Evil Dead? If you are familiar with these names, then chances are, you are familiar with Ash Williams. Ash is something unique: he is incompetent in almost everything, save for drinking and killing deadites. While in the films, Ash has severed his hand to save his life, though this is an arc in which Ash was grown from that severed hand.

Good or Bad

Ash is sitting comfortably in his trailer with a santa coat and a beer, wishing cheers to his clone brother, wherever he may be. Settling in to a quiet night with some microwave meals is his favorite way to celebrate Christmas. When he gets a surprising knock on the door.

C’mon! Give me break! Do you know what time it is? Do you know what day it is?

Ash opens the door to find a half-dressed goth girl saying something is after her son. Of course, Ash being the dynamo that he is, will never pass up an opportunity to help a dame in need. He grabs his boogie shoes and heads for trouble. Inside the woman’s trailer stands a large, hairy, horned beast chasing after her son, who is not the least bit deterred by the thing. Come to find out, there is a universal ‘Naughty or Nice’ list. The good boys and girls get gifts from Santa, while the naughty boys and girls get a visit from the frightening beast Krampus. Ash, and his neighbor’s son are not the typical youth, however.

The Other Side

Krampus takes out his aggravation on Ash, while they work through their differences. They find some middle ground, and end up taking a break. Cut to Ash’s trailer, where after a couple of brews, Ash and Krampus are on the same side. Wait, what?!

But the story doesn’t stop there! Leave it to Ash to spin such a story on its face.  The writing is enjoyable, though even I didn’t expect the twist in this issue. This was definately one of my favorites of the Evil Dead 2: Revenge of series. Edginton portrays Ash quite well, and still manages to instill enough comedy to really make the issue memorable. Check out Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Krampus at your local comic book establishment. You won’t be disappointed.


Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Krampus
Writer: Ian Edginton
Art: Dave Youkovich, House of Imagi
Cover:Dave Youkovich

Evil Dead 2: Revenge of Krampus is brought to you by Space Goat Publishing.

Horned Horrors

Plot - 82%
Writing - 95%
Art - 92%



No one expects to encounter Krampus, let alone in a trailer park. Though who better to deal with the beast than the one-and-only Ash Williams.

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About Mack

A fan of media on multiple platforms, I am always watching or playing something! Who knows what I will be on to next?

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