The time-traveling mutant is back, and so is a name synonymous with him, in Marvel’s new Cable series, set to arrive in 2024.
The end is near
If you don’t know, the Krakoan Age of Marvel’s X-Men line is coming to a close. Created by Charles Xavier to be a safe-haven and sovereign nation for mutants, the living island of Krakoa has been the center-point of all the X-books for years. Now though, all that is breaking down, as the nations of the world turn on Krakoa, cracking it from without as it seemingly shatters from within.
Of course, X-Men mainstay Cable will play a part in what’s to come, and so will… Cable? Yep, Nathan Summers’ both young and old will feature in a new tie-in book that’s set to arrive in 2024.And even better, it’s set to have a man who’s helmed Cable in some of the hero’s most iconic times; Fabian Nicieza.

“It’s always fun to write Cable and challenge him with a big physical and emotional conflict,” Nicieza shared. “Having written him more than anyone else on the planet, it’s also fun to add to that total!”
THE FUTURE MUST NOT COME TO PASS! All the signs are here: The Neocracy is coming – and with it comes not only the end of mutantkind, but all of the humankind as well! As if rescuing Young Nate from the ongoing threat of Orchis weren’t enough, can Cable root out this growing threat and decimate it before the Neocracy has a chance to take hold. But is he already too late to change the future?
Explaining the new saga, Nicieza said, “This series finds Nathan Dayspring Askani’son Gesundheit up against the wall because while the lives of the X-world on Krakoa are under attack, Cable has to focus on the next potential ‘big threat.’ In order to stop the Neocracy before it becomes a revolution of evolution, Cable needs the help (and annoyance) of Young Cable! Indeed, hijinks ensue and Chiclet guns will be fired!”
Marvel Comics press release
Cable’s war begins again this January, when Cable #1 (of 4) arrives on the racks.