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Xbox Games With Gold: Shantae, Coffee Talk, Destroy All Humans!, And Sine Mora

It is time again for the Xbox Games with Gold. Starting in June, Xbox Gold Members and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers will be able to download Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse and Coffee Talk for the Xbox One. Then from the Xbox 360 library comes Destroy All Humans! and Sine Mora.

Shantae And The Pirate’s Curse And Destroy All Humans!

Starting on June 1, all Xbox Gold Members and Game Pass Ultimate subsricbers will be able to download the next chapter in Shantae’s adventure, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse. The quirky genie is in trouble and will do whatever it takes to save Sequin Land. Even if that means saving the day without her powers. Do you have what it takes to help Shantae – download starting on June 1 and find out.

It is the 1950s and aliens are once again dropping by for a visit. However, this time will be a bit different as Cryptosporidium’s has been sent to Earth with a top secret mission. Help Crypto complete his mission in Destroy All Humans!

Coffee Break And Sine Mora

Starting on June 16 Coffee Break and Sine Mora will be available. Play as a barista owner in the narrative-driven story in Coffee Break. There is more than meets the eyes in this coffee show. The regulars are an eclectic group of fantasy characters looking for a cup of joe and someone to listen.

Last up is an oldie, but a goodie. Make sure to check out Sine Mora, the side-scroller shooter with a twist. Fly through the skies and make sure to shoot down all your enemies in time, or else time is out. Do you have what it takes to get through this quick shooter before the seconds tick away? Find out on June 16.

About Rick Brown

As a fearful proponent, I agree with out robot overlords on House Bill 10010101 - The Full Extermination of the Human Race. But until then, make sure to check out all my writings on video game stuff.

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