Five new games for Games With Gold
Games With Gold has been a very interesting program. It’s very similar to PS Plus, in that those who subscribe to the platform’s multiplayer service receive free games. It’s been around since June of 2013 and has been going strong ever since. Well, it’s that time of the month again, as Xbox One and Xbox 360 players have new free games on the way.
Xbox One players will have access to Outlast, Killer Instinct Season 2, and Deathtrap: World of Van Helsing. The way Games With Gold works is a little interesting, not all of the games can be redeemed right now. Outlast has been available since mid-December and will continue to be until January 15th. Deathtrap became available today however, and Killer Instinct will become available on January 16th.
Xbox 360 players will receive The Cave and Rayman Origins. They will be available January 1-15 and January 16-31 respectively. This system might be a little confusing to some, so be sure to double check dates if you want these games. A game acquired through Games With Gold is yours forever so long as you get it in time.