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Rise Of The Black Flame #5 (comic) Review

Our heroes have found their way to the temple of the Cult of the Black Flame. But what does this mean for them? What happens now? Find out in Rise Of The Black Flame #5.

To Catch up on the ‘Rise of the Black Flame’ story, start with #1 here, #2 here, #3 here, and #4 here.

Dark Days

Rise of the Black Flame #5The remaining three adventurers find themselves staring into a dark and foreboding temple. The temple they have been seeking, but are they ready for what they will find inside? There is only one way to proceed now: to divide and conquer. The numbers are against them, but they need to locate and rescue the kidnapped girls.

Ms. Jewell is able to locate the remaining girls, while Farang and his aide continue deeper in search of how to stop the cultists. With the cultists armed with swords, Farang believes that his firepower will be sufficient to stop them.

Frightened Farang

“You are not ready…”

Farang locates the cultists, though not in the way he expects to find them. They walk into a clearing, where the cultists have taken their own lives. If this was a suicide cult, then what was the purpose of the kidnappings? And then they hear something in front of them.

Atop the staircase is the Cult high priest and 8 subbordinates. In front of them is one of the kidnapped girls, unconscious on a pedestal. Farang has his aide take the child to safety, while he addressed the priests with firepower.

The high priest informs Farang that they answer to a higher authority. He cannot comprehend the forces at work. This sends Farang into a trigger-happy frenzy, making short work of the questionable clergy. With his dying breath, the high priest tells Farang he is not ready…

What follows from here, is the culmination of the Rise of the Black Flame arc. We learn the fate of Farang and of Kamala, the kidnapped girl. However, for the specifics, you will have to pick up a copy for yourself. Believe me, it’s worth it!

Mignola and Mitten

Mignola and Roberson keep you interested. Chomping at the bit to get to the next panel, the next page. The entire arc could be easily enjoyed. Christopher Mitten’s unique style really comes to life in the latter half of issue #5. To see things that I will not spoil for you here, you really get a sense of looming danger headed for the world. Which is exactly what Black Flame is.

Rise of the Black Flame #5 hits store shelves January 04, 2017 for $3.99. Don’t miss your chance to see how this story wraps up.

Rise Of The Black Flame #5

Writer: Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson
Artist: Christopher Mitten
Colorist: Dave Stewart
Cover Artist: Laurence Campbell

Cultist Conclusions

Plot - 87%
Writing - 84%
Art - 92%



Rise of the Black Flame #5 brings this story to a satisfying close. The team finds what they are looking for. But does it really work out the way they wanted to? A very satisfying origin story arc.

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About Mack

A fan of media on multiple platforms, I am always watching or playing something! Who knows what I will be on to next?

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