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Serenity #3 (comic) Review

Bea is imprisoned, An Alliance Operative is after them, and the crew has yet to realize one of them is missing. Find out more, in Serenity #3.

Gorram Trouble

Serenity #3Anyone who is familiar with the crew of the Firefly, knows that they are no strangers to trouble, and waking to ‘You’ll have to excuse the shackles’ is rather routine. However, the one in shackles is fairly new to these things. If you’ve read Serenity #2, you’ll have a better idea of who I am mentioning. If that isn’t bad enough, we learn that there is a spy, reporting on Mal and company’s efforts with Mericourt’s resistance movement. And if that’s not bad enough, they want the kidnappee to switch sides. To work against Mal and Mericourt. But re-uniting this ‘family’ is only the beginning. The real work is yet to begin.

Across town, Jayne and the rest of the crew are hauling supplies onto their ship, which everyone is none-to-pleased to be dragging around. Mal and Zoe talk of how they don’t trust anyone involved in their latest job, when Mal butts in. No trust is needed. As long as they do their part, they’ll get Bea released, and can be off this rock. No one thinks too much of River’s absence, as she went shopping with one of their new friends.

No Time Like The Present

Mal barks that there is an Alliance Operative on their way, so no time to lose. They have to go through with their plan, with only the members currently present.

Cut to the dining room, where the team does what the team does best: argue. Mal doesn’t trust Mericourt. Inara doesn’t trust Mericourt. Simon starts pointing fingers, with Jayne agreeing. Simon and Jayne on the same side is a bit of a shock, in itself. Some bickering continues until Mal reminds them all that this isn’t a democracy.

Any Which Way

Simon and Inara head into the lion’s den, so to speak. They have enough familiarity of Alliance workings that they should be able to get around without raising too much suspicion. Jayne proves how much help he can be to Kaylee in Engineering, and Mericourt continues to be elusive as to what is actually planned against the Alliance. All we know is that she is ‘sending them a message’.

Serenity #3 arrives in stores December 28, 2016. Don’t miss your chance to follow Serenity.

Serenity #3
Writer: Chris Roberson
Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Inker: Karl Story
Colorist: Wes Dzioba
Cover Artist: Dan Dos Santos

Powers In The 'Verse

Plot - 85%
Writing - 84%
Art - 88%



Simon and Inara head into an alliance post, while everyone else sits outside waiting. I don't know about you, but this would leave a pit in my stomach. Check out Serenity #3 to see who's missing, and what happens with Simon and Inara

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About Mack

A fan of media on multiple platforms, I am always watching or playing something! Who knows what I will be on to next?

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