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War begins in Etherium’s new trailer

Focus Home Interactive and Tindalos Interactive’s (that’s a lot of interactive) newest is an RTS that lets you take control of the weather itself to wage war on a global scale.

The above trailer for Etherium, which we’ve actually been following for some time here at BG, showcases a whole heck of a lot of the upcoming RTS. All three factions (Humans, Vectides and the Intary) and two more of the six planets you’ll be fighting on throughout the single player campaign.

Arctis, an icy world, and the volcanic planet Pilo were shown above, while we’ve already seen the desert world of Serenade. In all, there’ll be 7 worlds to play in, all of them of the sci-fi staple variety.  Wheras the planets are what you migth expect though, Tindalos is trying to bring something unique to the genre with Etherium’s unique weather control system.

Using the weather control capabilities of each of the three empires clashing in the game, players can alter the landscape in ways that’ve never really been seen in the RTS genre before. You can do everything from cloaking your legions in a deceptive sandstorm to actually using the weather itself as a weapon. All of which is pretty awesome stuff and sorely needed in a genre that hasn’t seen a boost since deformable terrain.

While it already looks pretty far along, there’s no release date for Etherium as of yet. We do know it’s more than likely on the way for this calendar year and that it’ll be hitting the PC though, so it’d probably be a safe bet to keep your eyes right here on BG for more about this one as we get closer to E3.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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