E3 2018 is the time of the year when people like you and I get very excited. This is the time of the year when new games are announced. Personally, I am very pleased with this year’s E3, despite a majority of the showcases being labeled as “lackluster”.
Without further ado, here are my Top 5 Games for E3 2018!
E3 Surprise: Resident Evil 2 Remake
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-lEnz5QKuM[/embedyt]I’ve always been an ardent fan of Resident Evil. I’ve made it a personal mission to review any ‘new’ Resident Evil game as you can see here. The game that got me really hooked on the series, however, is Resident Evil 2. I’ve always appreciated Leon’s aesthetics in terms of his uniform, his hair which was understandably ‘cool’ back then, and his weapons.
Claire Redfield is largely forgettable for me even as a tenderfoot gamer simply because Le0n’s storyline was more engaging. It had everything I ever wanted in a Resident Evil game: a believable novice lead and a strong and intriguing female.

Ada Wong is probably at least half the reason why I enjoyed 2 so much. She was a femme fatale, unlike anyone I had ever seen before. The first time I ever heard Sally Cahill back in 1999, Ada instantly became one of my favorite characters of all time.
True enough, Resident Evil 2 became the best entry in the series as it perfected everything that the first RE game did right. After 20 years, the 2nd game’s remake has come and from what I’ve seen from the trailer and reveal, everything is exactly what I hoped the RE2 remake would be.
Rip and Tear: Doom Eternal
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oVwrpfo_QA[/embedyt]If Resident Evil 2 made my younger-self happy, Doom Eternal certainly made the current me excited and jumping for joy. I loved Doom 2016 to a tee. I loved the redesigned weaponry and the respect given to the more iconic weapons such as the double-barreled shotgun.
The music is just Godly. The soundtrack is so brilliant that it actually made you feel like you were Doomguy.
Doom Eternal takes us back to Earth where Hell has literally taken over. Doomguy is back and from the ominous (but rockin’) music from the trailer, it seems he’s angrier than ever.
Final Fantas- err Octopath Traveller
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCaXSxYrrWM[/embedyt]Octopath Traveller is a project headed by the people who made the acclaimed Bravely Default duology. Octopath is definitely something I’m looking forward to because I’m a huge fan of Final Fantasy and of course, Bravely Default. While I’m waiting on Bravely Third, if there is one, Octopath Traveller is more than enough for me for now.
I can’t say anything about the gameplay and the story yet as I’ve deliberately avoided any and all of the press releases. I am, however, optimistic that this game is something worth being excited about.
Fire Emblem Three Houses
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkux5h0PeXo[/embedyt]Fire Emblem has always been a strong competitor in the RPG scene but Three Houses ups the ante by a lot. Utilizing the power of the Switch, Three Houses looks impressive. Combining the already well-loved Fire Emblem gameplay, Three Houses looks to stand toe to toe with the best by combining Fire Emblem with amazing graphics and a seemingly more in-depth gameplay made possible by the Switch.
Valkyria Chronicles 4
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR6G4r52O7M[/embedyt]Believe me when I say that I am probably one of the most disappointed fans because of the recently released Valkyria Revolution. I went into that game thining that it should be good and that the changes are probably for the best. I mean, we’ve had Valkyria Chronicles 1 to 3 with the latter two titles never seeing a release outside of Japan. The series, known for its innovative tactical combat system became stale. It just couldn’t recreate the magic that the first entry had.
Revolution was supposed to be the cure but all it did was rekindle our hungers for a new mainline title. Is Valkyria Chronicles 4 what the series needs in order for it to reclaim its former glory? Hopefully. The trailer and announcement got me excited but my nostaligia is at its peak at the moment. I hope that VC 4 delivers because I am very excited for it right now.
Honorable Mentions
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Elder Scrolls VI
- Spider-Man
- Devil May Cry 5