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The Mighty Thor #705 (Comics) Preview

The Death of the Mighty Thor is upon the Marvel U… or is it? Marvel says that you might just be surprised at how this penultimate chapter of the storyline ends.

Normally, I’d think that that’s probably a pretty hollow sentiment, uttered by one Will Moss (editor of Thor). This is a superhero book after all, and those usually go a pretty definite path. That’s especially true when there’s a “death of” storyline. I’d think that there’d be no chance that Thor would be killed off. Then again… maybe she definitely would.

After all, the rightful Thunder God has been pretty active since his dethronement. It’s not like Thor (Odinson) fded away into nothing. After he was deemed unworthy and Jane Foster picked up his enchanted mallet he still played a big part in the Marvel U. Well, fairly big anyway.

With Marvel bringing so many of the classic Marvel superheroes back to the fore, it might be a foregone conclusion here that The Mighty Thor (Foster) would indeed be dying. That way Thor (Odinson) could once again rise in her place.

See the issue? Moss’ words actually have some heft here since The Death of the Mighty Thor really could go either way. Then again, Marvel is actually saying that Foster will “make the ultimate heroic sacrifice”, so who knows. Contradictions abound.

We’ll all find out what’s what (definitively) this coming March.

Check out the preview below.

THE DEATH OF THE MIGHTY THOR nears its end as the creative team of Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman bring you an epic showdown that has been years in the making.

Since kicking things off with MIGHTY THOR #700, the Mangog has managed to wreak havoc on Thor’s world, and he’s shown no signs of stopping – even in a saga that has so far managed to include almost every Thor villain. On the heels of the action, MIGHTY THOR #705 will continue to up the ante, leaving the fate of Asgard in jeopardy…along with the fate of Jane Foster, who will make the ultimate heroic sacrifice in a conclusion that will rock the Marvel Universe, and the minds of readers everywhere!

“This is it, folks! The big showdown between Thor and Mangog. The penultimate chapter of ‘The Death of the Mighty Thor,’” teases series editor Wil Moss. “Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman have been building to this issue for over three years, and you absolutely do not want to miss this. You may think you know where things are going, but I promise you do not.”

It’s the issue you won’t want to miss, and the beginning of a mind-shattering conclusion that will change the Thor story in explosive ways!

Find out if you’re worthy enough to handle the pages of MIGHTY THOR #705, in comic shops this March!

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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