Home / Editorials / The BG Game of the Month for August 2017 is Mario + Rabbids

The BG Game of the Month for August 2017 is Mario + Rabbids

August was an actual close month in our Game of the Month voting, as a few really solid games saw release. But in the end, it was Mario + Rabbids all the way.


I love this game. A simplified (but not overly so) strategy title, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a turn-based, Mushroom Kingdom-infused romp. It’s tons of fun and is actually the first game starring Mario to hit the Switch. That’s kind of interesting since the game is published by Ubisoft in the US.


Why’s that? Because the Raving Rabbids are Ubi’s, and a part of the Rayman universe. It’s a crossover that works tremendously though. The Rabbids sense of wackiness blends perfectly with Nintendo’s classic Mario themes, so much so it feels like the two properties were made for each other.

It was our Game of the Month for August by a healthy margin, garnering more than any other title. As for a review, it’s still coming. One might say we’ve been having too good a time playing to actually write about it. Watch for it soon though.

But though Mario + Rabbids won, there were actual two other games that tied for second place. And one of them features an old rival of the plumber from Brooklyn.

Sonic Mania and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy come in tied for second

You couldn’t have two more different games, but both Sonic Mania and Uncharted’s first spinoff made huge impacts with our crew.

In the case of Sonia Mania, fears were allayed that there could definitely be a bright future for Sega’s blue ‘hog. Though his recent games have been lackluster at best, Mania was a ray of sunshine, bringing back the classic themes and feel of those Genesis glory days.

From our review:

All around, Sonic Mania is a proper Sonic the Hedgehog release, and should be considered a part of the classic series. I know Sonic Forces is yet to come, but it’s hard to imagine it’s going to be better than this. More please Sega.
Our score: 91%

As for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, it matched the classic titles in the series step for step. Much like with Mania, it looks like there’s a future for what’s really one of Sony’s premier franchises. Yes, Nate and Sully might be out of the action as of Uncharted 4, but the name can definitely live on.

From our review:

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy” dispels any doubts that the series can’t go on without Nathan Drake, providing a thrilling adventure with promising new protagonists in Chloe and Nadine.
Our score: 90%

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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