Home / Comics / Oversized special edition James Bond: Service book coming up from Dynamite

Oversized special edition James Bond: Service book coming up from Dynamite

The British super-spy is back in James Bond: Service, thanks to publisher Dynamite and writer Kieron Gillen.

Never say Never Again

“A chance to write a British icon is something that’s basically irresistible,” says writer Kieron Gillen. “This is like getting to write the sun rising. You’ve known it all your life, but this time it’s yours. I wanted to do a story that was classically Bond, but spoke to Britain as it is, and Britain as it was. In short: I was looking for any excuse for Bond to use a Sten-gun.”

Artist Antonio Fuso says, “James Bond means England, and I love England. I also love spy stories, black suits, deadly pocket guns, smart smiles, and Kieron’s scripts. Read this book, spread the love, and God save the Queen.”

Regarding his collaboration with artist Antonio Fuso, Gillen adds, “It’s a thrill working with Antonio, whose modern lines lean into a realistic take on a modern Bond.”

A Bond anything is pretty exciting, but that’s especially true when you’re talking about something as cool as this sounds. Secret seems like it’ll be a pretty classic Bond story, though one with updated sensibilities and a modern feel. And it certainly sounds as though, even though this is a modern take, that 007 will have plenty of gadgets and some cool, older hardware at his disposal. So a little something for almost every fan.

Gillen is a terrific talent too, and one that should do a solid service to the character. It certainly sounds like he’s a fan too, which is always a good thing. Artist Fuso is quite the name as well, having clocked work on titles like Drive and Torchwood.

“Kieron Gillen is undoubtedly one of the best writers, and among the best-loved, in comics today, and it’s an absolute honor to now work with him on one of Dynamite’s most celebrated titles,” says Dynamite CEO and Publisher, Nick Barrucci. “Ian Fleming’s James Bond is perhaps the most elevated of intellectual properties in the history of pop culture, an icon whose mere mention evokes a sense of class and distinction. We’re proud to bring such high caliber writers to this franchise: Warren Ellis, Andy Diggle, James Robinson, Benjamin Percy, and now Kieron Gillen. Partner him with a hot talent like Antonio Fuso, and we’ve got the perfect team for an explosive, done-in-one thriller!”

“I’m delighted to be working with Kieron for the first time,” says Joe Rybandt, Executive Editor. “He’s a fantastic writer and a tremendous asset to the ever-expanding world of James Bond comics from Dynamite.”

Expect to see James Bond: Service hitting the shelves some time this May.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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