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Steam Halloween Sale Currently Live

Steam is offering a limited time sale for the season of the witch

Steam is legendary online for a number of things, although not all of them good.. However, one thing that nearly always comes to mind when Steam is mentioned is their sales. You don’t need to look far to figure that out.. Their daily and weekly sales are a part of it, but their massive sales take the cake.. The Steam Summer Sale has practically become memetic, with parodies and homages to it everywhere you look.  And now another sale has graced us with its presence.  Not as big as the Summer Sale but still fairly large, the Halloween Sale is here.

Halloween Sale focuses on games that fit in with Halloween and its nature, something the name gives away. Horror games are first on the list, as one might expect.  It doesn’t stop there though. If a game has had a Halloween update this year, it is included on the sale. This includes everything from Payday 2 to Superhot. If there was a Halloween update, it’s probably on the list. And, as a cherry on top, this sale isn’t limited to games. Steam has put its recent film market to use, and horror films are on sale, right next to horror games.

The Halloween Sale will end on the first day of November.

About erttheking

A recent college graduate and life long gamer, David is now working as a freelance journalist.

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