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More Features Incoming For Injustice 2

Injustice 2 has not seen any new information or characters as of late. The last news was the inclusion of Harley and Deadshot. Rather than be another character tease or release, we are starting to see what content we can expect from this DC fighter.

Deadshot Aquaman, Injustice 2

Brian Goodman, Warner Brother’s Marketing Game Manager, has been talking to Gamereactor about the content within Injustice 2. Goodman has eluded to the idea of the story mode having branching stories.

‘Structure-wise, it’s going to be a little bit different. There’s going to be definitely an opportunity to go through the story mode, and we’re definitely going to leave them wanting to go through it perhaps a second time’

Having branching stories will allow for characters to become more developed, especially within this Injustice world. In addition, this could be the first Netherrealm story, where all characters will be playable within the campaign. Most stories only feature a handful of playable characters for the player to dabble with within the cinematic story. Having branching storylines will allow players to see the story from a different perspective and still have that cinematic quality compared to something like an arcade mode ending.


Goodman continues, ‘We’re going to have a number of single-player modes: we’re really trying to round offerings for people who enjoy our games as single players. Of course, a whole suite of online modes as well, both competitive and potentially some co-operative modes as well’

Single player content could pull strings from both Mortal Kombat X and the original Injustice title. Living towers, from MKX, could be brought back and incorporate loot rewards for completing such towers. From Injustice, Star Labs could return adding a number of mini challenges for each of the DC line up. Both modes added a slew of single player content and experiences.

What is most interesting is the possibility of co-op. Co-op was a main component of Mortal Kombat 9, but since then, no other Netherrealm game has used the concept. Allowing for a co-op mode online would be fantastic. But take this with a pinch of salt as the word ‘potentially’ was used.

Nothing has been ‘officially’ announced but hearing such concepts and content is rather intriguing. Injustice 2 will be available in 2017 for both PS4 and Xbox One.

About Adam

I've always enjoyed gaming from a young age, with my all time favourite game being Ape Escape. Nowadays, I enjoy any kind of game from action adventure to horror, though I am quite partial to the odd fighting game.

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