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Japan Announcement for Civilization VI

Japan in Civilization VI

Civ-VI-Feature-640x353Details are still vague about Firaxis Games’ most recently announced game. They are slowly being filtered out though.  As of recently, information has been released about Japan in Civilization VI.

In previous games, Japan was lead by figures from the Japanese Warring States era.  This time Civilization will be going back a few hundred more years for the new leader, Hojo Tokimune. He led his country during both Mongolian invasions. One that he fought off, and the one that was famously stopped by a typhoon. Said second invasion was started by him.  It was a result of him beheading ten Mongolian emissaries.

Other announcements were made for Japan. Japan’s unique unit will be the samurai.  Something that fits in with the theme of Hojo Tokimune. Unlike Japan’s leader, this is not a breakaway from previous entries. Their unique building, on the other hand, will be much more modern.  An electronics building. In contrast to the samurai, this is a new direction for the nation.  It has not appeared in previous games.

Civilization VI is due for release on October 21

About erttheking

A recent college graduate and life long gamer, David is now working as a freelance journalist.

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