Welcome to Orbit’s Odyssey

Are you one of those that is always on the look out for a new mobile game, but don’t want to invest hours of time? Check out Orbit’s Odyssey by PaperKyte.

Meet Orbit. Orbit was hanging out in the area of peaceful Planet X, when he witnesses the planet being attacked by Robotic Space Zombies. Orbit knew
This deceptively simple puzzle adventure will keep you on your toes. At first look, you don’t expect much. Travel around the planet, collecting coins and avoiding the Robotic space zombies. Then things get a bit more complicated: not only do the number of zombies increase, but the number of planets increase. Oh, and to make it even hairier, they throw teleportation in the mix. Because, well, who doesn’t love a good teleportation twist?!
You start with one character and one season. As you advance, you earn points that you can spend on new characters and new seasons. I haven’t noticed any great difference in the actions of the characters, but it seems that the seasons get crazier as you go along.
Personally, I love the uniqueness of the teleportation mechanics. In the ‘advanced orbits’ image below, you will see two rings circling each planet. Each ring is a teleportation barrier. Every time you actively walk forward into one of those rings, you are transported to a different location on the surface. In the beginning when there was only one ring on one planet, you were relocated to the same hemisphere on the other side (i.e. top to top, bottom to bottom).

However, as things progress, You have to use some of these rings to transfer you to the additional planets. On top of that, these rings do not always stay locked in synchronous orbit like the image suggests. Rings moving, planets spinning, zombies coming for you. This can add up to be quite an adventure you stroll into.
Final Thoughts
Orbit’s Odyssey can be quite an addicting game to get into, for a minor fee of $2.99. I downloaded the game, thinking, sure, I’ll play it for fifteen minutes or so. Get a feel for it. The next thing I know, an hour had passed, and I was being welcomed into a new season, and the opportunity to try a new character.
Orbit’s Odyssey is available at Amazon, the iOS App Store and the Google Play store for $2.99.
This review was based upon a digital copy of Orbit’s Odyssey supplied to Brutal Gamer by Novy Unlimited.