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Apocalypse invades Marvel Comics’ covers this Summer

Apocalypse Wars is a mega-event launching in Marvel’s X-Men books this Summer, but the title villain isn’t stopping there, as his shadow will fall across a mess of variant covers as well.

People are really starting to dig variant covers again. It reminds me to the 90s… in a good way. And to that end, you’ll be seeing a lot more of Apocalypse this Summer than you had imagined. Sure he’ll be starring in the X-Men: Apocalypse movie, and will have the Apocalypse Wars crossover event running in Marvel’s mutant line of comics, but he’ll be pretty much everywhere else in the Marvel U as well.

Harkening back to the Age of Apocalypse miniseries that first appeared in the aforementioned 1990’s, these new covers will present Marvel heroes as they might look if they were touched by Apocalypse’s evil in that war-torn world. Revealed this week, the seven covers in the gallery below will grace some the company’s biggest books, including: All-New X-Men #9 (AOA Variant by Pasqual Ferry & Frank D’Armata), All-New, All-Different Avengers #9 (AOA Variant by Khoi Pham & Frank D’Armata), Amazing Spider-Man #12 (AOA Variant by Jamal Campbell), The Astonishing Ant-Man #8 (AOA Variant by Will Sliney & Frank D’Armata), Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 (AOA Variant by Paul Renaud), Guardians of the Galaxy #8 (AOA Variant by Dale Keown & Jason Keith), and Uncanny X-Men #7 (AOA Variant by Ryan Sook).

While those looks pretty great and all, there’s even more to come, as the following titles will bear the mark of En Sabah Nur as well. These next books an the ones that appear above will all appear throughout May, so it’s going to be a big month for the X-universe. Kind of makes you wonder if Marvel and Fox (the motion picture license holder for X-Men) might be coming to some kind of accord…

Anyway, here’s what else will be getting in on the variant fun:

  • Black Panther #2
  • Black Widow #3
  • Captain Marvel #5
  • Daredevil #7
  • Deadpool #11
  • Doctor Strange #8
  • Extraordinary X-Men #10
  • Howard the Duck #7
  • Invincible Iron Man #9
  • Ms. Marvel #7
  • Power Man & Iron Fist #4
  • The Punisher #1
  • Spider-Gwen #8
  • Thunderbolts #1
  • The Totally Awesome Hulk #7
  • Uncanny Inhumans #8

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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