The return of the skateboarding genre will take place later this year with a fifth Tony Hawk title. Whoa, rhythm and skateboarding games come back in the same year?!

It’s like the early 2000s all over again guys and gals, as Tony Hawk is back. The game that started the skateboarding video game craze will be making its triumphant return to the landscape later this year according to the newest issue of Game Informer magazine, which will be breaking the story with its May issue.
Developed by Robomodo (who did Tony Hawk: Ride, but don’t hold that against them) and Disruptive Games, TH5 will return the series to form, but will include some new elements like power-ups (so, more of an arcade feel then?) and projectiles (?). No word on any specifics at this time though, as Activision is surely waiting to unveil the game in all its grander at E3 next month.
As for when and where you can expect Tony Hawk 5 to pop up, it’ll be hitting the Xbox One and PS4 later this year, with Xbox 360 and PS3 versions appearing some time after that.
Source: MCV