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PS4 dev kits shipping to developers?

The Playstation 4 development kits, codenamed ‘Orbis’, are allegedly on the move and are now shipping out to developers.

Website VG247 released a story today detailing information from industry sources that the PS4 has just entered it’s second stage (of four) of development. They go on to say that the dev kits are being received right now by development houses globally.

The tale goes that several US developers attended a closed-door meeting with Sony this week and were given the ins and outs of the new machine- which is actually being called Orbis for now.

Little more than a modded out PC at this point, Orbis is based on an AMD A10 APU (which is a combined CPU/GPU), has 8 or 16GB of RAM, a Blu-Ray drive, and the promise of a 256gig HD. It’s also worth noting that emphasis was put on the goal being a machine that’s both immensely powerful (able to render 3D images in 1080p with 60 fps without breaking a sweat) and affordable.

Now that’d be something. Is it even remotely possible that Sony learned from the PS3 (and PSV for that matter) launch and will actually listen to their consumers? Will wonders never cease…

Before you get all amped about this, try to remember that there’s no word on whether any of these specs are anywhere even close to ‘final’ (the console hasn’t even been officially announced yet). It’s probably best to just cross your fingers at this point, maybe start socking a little cash away and hope that we’ll learn more come E3.

Just before the mega-event is reportedly when Sony will take the wraps off the console. That would make sense since there’s been some industry scuttle floating around for a while now that pinpoints the ‘next gen’ for both Sony and Microsoft as starting next Fall. So maybe a new PlayStation and a new Xbox in the Autumn of 2013. You know what- forget what I said, definitely start socking that cash away.

Source: VG247

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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