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NYCC 2017: Battlestar Galactica’s meet in new Dynamite comic

What might happen if classic Battlestar met Battlestar 2K? That’s the question in Dynamite’s new crossover.


Chances are that you’ve never even though of this if you’re a Battlestar Galactica fan, but here it is nonetheless. A crossover between real-life ages, and fictional universes.

“A crossover between the two versions of BSG is an idea that’s been pursed several times before (and no wonder! How could you not want to see this happen?), but never came together for various reasons,” says Matt Idelson, Senior Editor. “I’m lucky to get to be a part of this adventure, and to work with a writer whose work I’ve admired since before I was in the business. In addition to the wonderful sense of mystery and awe that Peter’s bringing to the story, the level of humanity as the two crews meet is wonderful. I can’t wait for folks to see this book.”

Peter David says, “With all deference to Star Trek, Firefly… hell, even Space Cases… I firmly believe the recent Battlestar Galactica series is the best SF series ever. And in reviewing the original series for the first time in decades, I was amazed at how it held up far better than I ever could have believed. Forty years away from it being dismissed as a Star Wars rip-off, the first BSG had a style, story, and characters all its own and deserved far more than the truncated run it received. So I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of this truly historic meeting, which was indeed set up in the new series: All of this has happened before, and it will happen again.”

Sold yet? Maybe the story will do it for you, cause it actually sounds pretty awesome.

Things start off in Dynamite’s newest BSG mini-series. It’s there that Kali is discovered. No, not the Indian god, this is the “last of the reptilian parent race that created the Cylons”. Yeah, that’s kind of a big deal in the scope of Battlestar’s fiction.

The publisher says that, from there, a catalyzing event hurls two different universes together. That’s the basis for the meeting of the original Battlestar, and the 200x version. And if all of this isn’t sounding great enough already, it’s being helmed by one Peter David. And comic writers don’t much better than him.

“Peter David is one of the most talented writers our industry has ever had.  He has written super heroes, sci fi, prose and so much more.  I have been a huge fan of Peter’s going back to his first comic work from the classic Spider-Man story, ‘The Death of Jean De Wolff,’ and his prose novel Knight Lifeand then his historic run on The Incredible Hulk,” says Nick Barrucci, CEO and Publisher of Dynamite Entertainment. “He’s an exceptional talent who brings sympathetic humanity to even the most far-flung, cosmic adventures. Finally, the right project has come along, and we’re humbled that Peter has graciously accepted the epic task of teaming up the two generations of Battlestar Galactica. Fans will go wild when they see how this senses-shattering story unfolds!”

So when’s all this get underway? Well, there’s no release date as of yet, but it seems like things are moving along swimmingly. So I’d say to expect some news fairly soon.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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