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Ion Fury’s Bombshell hits the road in Phantom Fury

Ion Fury’s Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison is back, and heading out on a road trip of the violent sort in the upcoming Phantom Fury.


If you played 3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks’ retro first-person shooter Ion Fury, then you already know it was pretty darn authentic to its reflected era. Using the Build Engine from Duke 3D itself, Ion Fury was crafted from the ground up to be a mid-90s FPS. And for fans of that age, me very much included, it was a fantastic ride.

And if you did play it, and liked it as much as I did, then you might be happy to know that a sequel is coming. Titled Phantom Fury, this new entry in the now-series picks up a few years where the last one left off.

Shelly is back in action, after spending quiet a while on ice, and ready to rock and roll with a bionic arm. It’s a good thing she’s got some extra hardware too, since she’ll be chasing after a deadly device called the Demon Core.

Years after Shelly’s fight against Jadus Heskel, an old colleague rouses her from a coma. She awakens with a bionic arm capable of incredible feats and a new mission: track down the dangerous Demon Core, an artifact capable of unprecedented destruction before villains get their hands on it.

Set off on an adrenaline-amped adventure across the USA to battle menacing soldiers, vicious cyborgs, vile mutants, and challenging bosses. Blast through enemies in satisfying skirmishes in seedy Albuquerque hotels, explore abandoned facilities in Los Alamos, defend the streets of Chicago, and delve into more sinister locations on her journey.

3D Realms press release

As you can see there, this time around Bombshell’s adventure is looking a little more modern. Yes, it’s still ‘retro’, but it’s more… late 90s maybe? Regardless of the time frame, it’s looking pretty great, and promising quite a bit.

According to the publisher, Phantom Fury will have a massive level of interactivity, and “if you see it, you can probably play with it”. That includes vehicles by the way, like that chopper she flies in this early look.

With 20 weapons, including bowling bombs and controllable drones, she’ll be well stocked to take on the bad guys. It sounds like a lot of those will be upgradable too, with a mod system, and she’ll have “punch attacks and electric shields” by way of that new cyborg arm.

Stay tuned, there’s lots more to come on Phantom Fury, which is expected to land on the PC, Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and Switch some time in 2023.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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