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Marvel and Peter David bringing Joe Fixit back for new miniseries

Marvel is jumping back in time once again, this time to revisit the Hulk’s Joe Fixit persona, with the character’s creator Peter David onboard.

He can Fixit (but probably won’t)

Far and away, the “Joe Fixit” era is one of the best-loved Hulk runs. Writer Peter David first introduced Joe back in 1988, and his arrival radically changed the monster/hero. Joe took Hulk back to the original gray coloring, and made him smaller (and a bit weaker) too. So why was he so great? Well, because he was a smart talking bodyguard working out of Las Vegas.

If you didn’t read any of those issues, and that sounds terrible, just know that it most definitely wasn’t. It was a fantastic change of pace for the book, and set up a persona that’s still more or less around now.

Teaser cover from Cully Hamner and Jordie Bellaire

If you did read those books though, and your interest is piqued, keep reading. A new run of Joe Fixit is being prepped at Marvel, and it’s set in that original time period, and has David back at the helm.

“When I created Joe Fixit decades ago, it was merely as a means to shake up the standard formula,” David explained. “Typically Bruce would have set up some sort of situation and he would be worried that the Hulk would inevitably show up and screw things up. The storyline with Joe flipped the formula on its head, and set up the Hulk with his great situation in Vegas and he was worried that Bruce would show up to screw things up. I had no idea that the character would have this much staying power, and that so much would eventually be done with him in the pages of the IMMORTAL HULK. I’m thrilled that Marvel has given me this opportunity to revisit with an old friend.”

Peter David

The new Joe Fixit book will be a limited series, though Marvel hasn’t announced how many issues it’ll run. Actually, Marvel hasn’t announced much of anything other than what you see above. So, stay tuned I guess. Loads more to come about this one.

Joe Fixit #1 is set for release some time next year, and will have Yildiary Cinar attached as the series’ artist.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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