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Immortal Hulk comes to a close with variant cover spread

Marvel Comics is planning to usher out the lates Hulk run with a bang. Al Ewing and Joe Bennett’s tale comes to a close with a fresh series of variant covers.

Gamma Crush

Unless you’re intentionally not paying attention, it’d be tough to not know about Al Ewing’s Immortal Hulk. Ewing was the driving force behind what’s become a new definition for the character, along with artist Bennett.

The series’ has run for 49 issues to date, and is closing out with big number 50. That will see Ewing’s narrative capped off, before it transitions to the new team. But back to that 50th issue, because it’s going out with a bang.

Marvel Comics is planning a full selection of variant covers for the book, and all of them will pull from this very run. So if you’ve been reading all along, get ready for some new takes on some big moments.

Oh, and also get ready for some awesome looking artwork, because the talent roster is an excellent one.

  • Ron Lim immortalizes Hulk’s discovery of the gamma-irradiated father of Del Frye from IMMORTAL HULK #2
  • Ed McGuinness immortalizes the brutal brawl between the red Absorbing Man and Hulk from IMMORTAL HULK #9
  • Gary Frank immortalizes the climactic moment of the “Hulk in Hell” arc where Devil Hulk lets Bruce know he’ll always protect him from IMMORTAL HULK #13
  • Carlos Pacheco immortalizes the debut of the Rick Jones/Abomination hybrid from IMMORTAL HULK #17
  • Creees Lee immortalizes Hulk’s initial confrontation with Betty’s new manifestation of her Red Harpy persona from IMMORTAL HULK #19
  • Sanford Greene immortalizes the glimpse of Hulk’s potential future as the Breaker of Worlds from IMMORTAL HULK #25.  
  • InHyuk Lee immortalizes Hulk squaring off against his Roxxon-backed replacement, Xemnu, from IMMORTAL HULK #31
  • Jen Bartel immortalizes the reveal of the Devil Hulk’s true look from IMMORTAL HULK #38

Immortal Hulk #50 hits the stands on October 13th.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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