Home / Comics / Qi’ra returns in new Marvel Star Wars miniseries

Qi’ra returns in new Marvel Star Wars miniseries

Part 2 of the 3 part War of the Bounty Hunters epic from Marvel, Crimson Reign brings back the Solo character of Qi’ra, as well as Crimson Dawn.

Where’s the ‘crimson’ though?

Been following the War of the Bounty Hunters from Marvel Comics? The crossover event greatly expands the Star Wars universe during the Empire Strikes Back era, following what’s basically a hunt for Han Solo’s carbonized form.

Now part two of the eventual trilogy is about to kick off, with Crimson Dawn. No, it’s not about the Royal Guard, and it doesn’t play into the classic Crimson Empire from the old Expanded Universe either. What Reign does have though, is the Crimson Dawn.

Oh there’s the Crimson. Sort of

The criminal syndicate returns, as seen in the Solo: A Star Wars Story film. Something of a niche favorite at this point, Solo was one of the worst performing Star Wars films in theaters. But even if you didn’t love it, it did have some high points, bringing in Crimson Dawn, and Han’s former love, Qi’ra.

This December, writer Charles Soule and artist Steven Cummings will team up for a saga that will have major repercussions on the Star Wars galaxy in STAR WARS: CRIMSON REIGN. Announced last month, this five-issue limited series will be the second installment in the trilogy that began in this year’s WAR OF THE BOUNTY HUNTERS crossover. The series promises to shed even more light on the untold history of the Star Wars galaxy during the Age of Rebellion and will feature the return of beloved characters, shocking twists, epic feats of the Force and a story that will reach from Star Wars‘ darkest underworld all the way to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. Fans can get a new glimpse at what’s to come in artist Ario Anindito’s new connecting cover. Adorning the covers of all five issues, the stunning piece spotlights some of the major players involved in the upcoming epic, including Qi’ra, the fan-favorite crime leader from Solo: A Star Wars Story who’s set to make a major impact on this current era.

Marvel Comics

Star Wars: Crimson Reign #1 (of 5) hits stands this December.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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