Mezco attended the 2017 NYCC and brought lots and lots of One:12 Collective figures along with them. For the most part though, you’ve seen all this before.
World’s greatest heroes
I love the One:12 Collective from Mezco… mostly. I don’t think you could read BG much and not know that. I’ve had the pleasure of penning a few reviews for them, and it’s a realty terrific line, no doubt. It’s not perfect, but nothing is, and I think it’s as close as you’re going to get in the 1:12th scale.
The figures do though, ship pretty slow. Mezco has been showing off an impressive slate of them for some time, and although new figures do get announced, they actually head to collector’s hands at a snail’s pace.
Just as an example, the company had been talking about its Batman v Superman offerings since January of 2016. The Man of Steel finally shipped, capping off the line, this past spring. That’s not to say that figures in the collection don’t actually ship though -because again, they do- they just take a while.

All this intro, by the way, is to couch the fact that a lot of what you’re about to see… well you’ve seen it already. I think almost everything here has been shown at Comic Con’s and Toy Fair’s past. Most of it is on target for 2018, which is a very good thing. And some should even arrive before 2017 washes away.
Some I honestly didn’t bother shooting either (like the Ghostbusters figures), because you can just check out one of our other Comic Con articles if you don’t know what they look like. You probably should though.
Here’s what Mezco had on hand the weekend before last.