Home / Comics / It’s Wolverine v Hulk all over again, for the first time

It’s Wolverine v Hulk all over again, for the first time

Sure, you’ve seen Wolverine take on the Hulk before, but not like this.

Old Man Logan, meet the Maestro

Prepare for a new spin on an old favorite as two iconic Marvel mainstays meet in brutal combat once more! Only this time, the former Wolverine will be challenged like never before as enemies from his past rear their ugly heads. Enter…THE MAESTRO! It’s all happening this June in OLD MAN LOGAN #25as incoming creative team Ed Brisson (Bullseye, Iron Fist) and Mike Deodato (Thanos, Avengers) sink their claws into the hit series with a brand-new story arc!

Nobody has pushed Wolverine to the limit quite like the Incredible Hulk. With the Maestro possessing all of the Hulk’s brawns and all of Banner’s brains, will Old Man Logan face the same brink? Plus, the Maestro is bringing some friends! Recruiting the Hulk Gang from Old Man Logan’s hellish alternate future, does Logan even stand half a chance?

“Logan’s already battled a future version of Banner who’d gone full hillbilly, and I think the dynamic of him battling against a different, smarter, and more motivated Bruce Banner would be an interesting fight,” says incoming writer Ed Brisson, in an interview with Gamespot.com.

With his life turned upside down by an army of rampaging Hulks, can Logan prove once and for all that he’s the best there is at what he does? Find out as Maestro strikes this June as Brisson and Deodato bring you OLD MAN LOGAN #25!

Old enemies, new battles

The first time that Logan met Hulk was Wolvie’s first appearance in the Marvel U. Hulk wasn’t necessarily the bad guy in that fight however, and neither was Logan. Thins time though, things look to be a lot more clear cut.

Maestro is a Hulk from an alternate future, and he’s not a very good guy. The Hulk gang from Old Man Logan’s own timeline isn’t great either. Adding them together, well that’s not going to be good for anyone in the Marvel comics universe proper. Especially now that the ‘real’ Banner is dead and gone.

And that leaves Logan all by himself to clean up now mighty big mess. Just how all this happens is still a mystery though. I haven’t been reading Old Man Logan, and I’m not sure if they’ve been building to this point. I’m also not sure how it’s possible for collapsed timelines to intrude onto Earth 616’s reality. For this though, I’m willing to chalk it up to ‘comics’.

Catch the beginning of the brawl you had no idea you were waiting for in Old Man Logan #25, hitting the stands this June.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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