Worms WMD
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Worms WMD (PC) Preview

Worms WMD = Worms We Make Devastation

In it’s 21st anniversary, Worms and Team17 bring you the Worms you’ve grown to know and love, with an engine that recreates the classic gameplay.

When I loaded up Worms WMD the other day, my first reaction was ‘hey, I remember this game.’  While I wasn’t wrong, I wasn’t entirely correct either. Now, it’s been a while since I’ve played a Worms title, and was met with a combination of familiar gameplay and additional options.

Worms WMD 3WMD presents the familiar weaponry such as grenades and bazookas, as well as new treats such as a fire punch and a jetpack. Now these two are enough to add some interesting dimension to the game for sure. In addition to being able to fly to new heights, and sucker punch your enemy, but there are buildings and vehicles to consider! Enter a tower where you can either take cover, or scale to a new vantage point. Personally I couldn’t get used to taking cover in the buildings, but being able to climb to new positions was a welcome addition to previous editions.

Now while buildings can provide some significant cover, who can complain about driving a tank? This new option in Worms WMD will keep your enemies on the run, to be sure.  Running and jumping over obstacles, while attacking from a distance, sounds like a great time to me.

Death From Above

A tank can be fun, but Team17 have taken things a step further: take to the skies  and challenge your foes like never before. Now you have the option to attack and fly away. Just because your opponent may be airborne, don’t think they can get away that easily. Mounted guns can be found from time to time as well. Machine guns and sniper rifles are only a few ways of evening the odds before things get too crazy.Worms WMD 2

If multiplayer games are more your speed, Worms WMD has you covered. Whether friendly or ranked multiplayer games are your preference, you have the ability to have up to 6 players on a map, with up to 8 worms each. That sounds like quite the battle, to be sure.

There were some details that were still a little rough in the preview copy provided, but by no means is this a big hurdle. Such things like images missing from menus are a tiny detail that can easily be rectified before release. Any Worms fans out there can breathe easy knowing another blockbuster is just around the corner.

Pre-Ordered Extras

Are you the type that pre-orders your games weeks early? If so, then boy are you in for a treat. All gamers pre-ordering before the August 23rd launch will recieve the “WMD All-Stars” content:

  • Octane Battle-Car (Rocket League)
  • Goat-on-a-Rope weapon / three mask set (Goat Simulator)
  • Payday 2 masks (Payday 2)
  • Dubstep Gun (Saints Row IV)
  • Zombie three mask set (Unturned)
  • Turkey Bomb / Liberty Strike (BroForce)
  • Orcs mask set (Orcs Must Die)
  • Seven mask set (Yooka-Laylee)
  • Escapist mask set (The Escapists)
  • Classic weapons / missions (Worms)

Worms WMD launches across Mac, PC, Linux, Playstation 4,  and Xbox One on August 23, 2016 for $29.99 US.

About Mack

A fan of media on multiple platforms, I am always watching or playing something! Who knows what I will be on to next?

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