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Horizon Zero Dawn falls to 2017

While the reasons are not yet clear, PlayStation exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn has been pushed back.

horizon zero dawn

What could be argued as the best looking game for the PlayStation 4 so far, is moving it’s release date to March 3, 2017.

“Rest assured that development on Horizon Zero Dawn is still going full steam ahead,” Guerrilla MD Hermen Hulst said. “We’ve decided to push [back] the release date for Horizon Zero Dawn. It wasn’t an easy choice to make; we know many of you have been anxious to play the game since we first announced it.

However, we also want to ensure that Horizon Zero Dawn lives up to the visuals and gameplay quality that our games are known for. The new date affords us the extra time required to deliver fully on our ambitious vision for Horizon Zero Dawn.

We realise that this decision may not please everyone. At the same time, we’re confident that the advantages of the additional development time afforded by the new date will become clear in the coming months, as we start to share more cool details and videos from Horizon.”

I know I’m disappointed at this news, as the level of unique titles has been a bit lackluster as of late. Hopefully Guerilla Games is able to make good on what they promise to provide.
source: MCVUK

About Mack

A fan of media on multiple platforms, I am always watching or playing something! Who knows what I will be on to next?

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