Home / News / PS4 Beta Test of Elder Scrolls Online Starting Tomorrow

PS4 Beta Test of Elder Scrolls Online Starting Tomorrow

Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is finally coming to PS4! Well…sorta. The official launch is still June 9th, but players can push the game’s limits with a little beta testing.

This will be the only beta ZeniMax is doing prior to launch, but the entire game will be available to players. Players must receive an invitation to participate. Invites went out to select players that signed up for the ESOTU PS4 Beta, so unfortunately, not everyone who signed up will receive an invite.

The test starts tomorrow and will continue through the weekend. Thankfully, there will not be an NDA on the test, so we’ll get all the gory, buggy details. The beta will be hosted on two servers, North America and Europe, and players can choose which server they would like to play on. If you’d like more information, follow this link to PlayStation’s blog!

Hopefully the wait will be worth it! Did you get an invite? Are you looking forward to Elder Scrolls Online’s release on PS4? Let us know in the comments below! Or tweet at me: @lmrome3!

About Lisa

Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus. Favorite Moment in gaming: 100% completing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Life isn't hard, Megaman is.

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