Home / Movies & TV / Second Ghostbusters film already in the works, “builds on the first”

Second Ghostbusters film already in the works, “builds on the first”

So there’s one Ghostbusters movie coming that throws away the previous classic films, we already know that, but now there’s a second as well as a braintrust in charge of it all.

Who you gonna call? Well, Ghostcorps apparently. The new part of Sony Pictures created by Ivan Reitman and Dan Aykroyd, Ghostcorps will oversee all things Ghostbusters in the effort to create merchandising and possibly build a larger shared universe including movies and TV shows, much like the Marvel and DC properties.

As a result, and outside of the all-female driven film (which has gotten drubbed by the fanbase with one of the most violently angry responses I’ve ever seen to a motion picture) there is now a second movie in the preliminary stages. So far this movie is linked to The Russo brothers (yep the one’s form the Captain America flicks), Iron Man 3’s director (oof) Drew Pierce, and… Channing Tatum(?), who’s apparently being looked at as the “cornerstone” of the new male-centric movie.

None of that though, is the issue that I have with this new film, or the femme-busters movie that’s well on its way to theaters. My problem, and really this is my issue in its entirety, is that neither one of these movies will even acknowledge the original films or serve as a true sequel.

Ghostbusters is a classic, and GBII isn’t a bad film either (though not as great as the original), and I want to see a continuation of that series, not something new. From the ‘angry responses’ I mentioned above, there are more than a few fans who agree with that sentiment. ‘New’ does’t mean better, and in the case of Ghostbusters, the story that’s there and all the characters that already exist are so great that I flat-out don’t want new ones as a longtime fan who grew up with this stuff.

Alright, hopping off the sermon box now, thanks for reading.

Director Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters is set to start filming this June and will be in cinemas in July of 2016. As for the new Ghostbusters movie with a male cast and the Russo’s attached, look for that sometime after. Or don’t look for either one. Your call.

Source: Deadline Hollywood

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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