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Bungie Releases First Update In Series

Prepare to download a big update for Destiny today. Bungie is releasing update 1.0.3 with lots of changes from social features to technical issues. This is the first of updates leading up to The Dark Below, Bungie’s first DLC for the game coming out later this year. Bungie previously posted on their blog about some of the changes, but it was very vague on a few topics. Today’s post clarifies the direction the development team is taking as well as fix some problems players have been having.

The most exciting change is the addition of team chat. Many players were disappointed that previously team members could not communicate in game to each other. Communication during team based operations was a trial because players needed to connect via other channels, like PSN, in order to discuss strategy. Now, Destiny is one step closer to being an actual MMO.

The rest of the update focuses on small changes or fixes to existing features. The Crucible received a lot of attention. They added a feature that matches pre-formed fireteams against each other. This will help maintain balance in matches, which previously was affected by players quitting mid-match.

Overall, this looks like a promising start for Bungie’s Destiny updates. In the coming weeks, players should keep alert for more interesting and, hopefully, good updates.

Good luck guardians!

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About Lisa

Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus. Favorite Moment in gaming: 100% completing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Life isn't hard, Megaman is.

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