Home / Indie / Star Citizen is Now Part First Person Shooter

Star Citizen is Now Part First Person Shooter

Cloud Imperium Games demonstrated their new fps module for Star Citizen at PAX Australia. The demo shows a team taking over a space station from some enemies. The clip focuses more on the actual fps action rather than how it necessarily fits within the larger scheme of the game. For the most part gameplay looks fairly standard for a fps; however, CIG is working on zero gravity additions to the fps gameplay.



Chris Roberts, creator of Star Citizen, explained that the gravity controls can be turned off and on, get damaged, or malfunction, leaving those aboard adrift in the ship. He also plans to include jetpacks and gravity boots as well as some push-pull mechanics to increase the realism. This will be revolutionary for space based games of the future. The video does include some zero gravity fighting and so far, it looks amazing. The directional drift fighting in the air with equipment floating around you looks hilarious and fun. This also opens up new possibilities for Star Citizen’s game play. Will players now be able to take over people’s ships? Or will this be solely NPC battles? Either way, this game keeps getting better and expectations keep getting bigger. Star Citizen is expected to release next year, 2016.

As always, you can follow me on twitter for more news: @lmrome3

Source: Joystiq

About Lisa

Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus. Favorite Moment in gaming: 100% completing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Life isn't hard, Megaman is.

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