Home / News / Far Cry 10th anniversary compilation coming on February 21st

Far Cry 10th anniversary compilation coming on February 21st

The complete Far Cry series, all on one handy disc, is set for release in the UK before the end of the month.

Disconnected from one another by all except name, the games in the Far Cry series are about to hit the UK in a single compilation pack called Far Cry The Wild Expedition. Inside the new release, you’ll find 2004’s Far Cry Classic (completely revamped in HD) alongside Far Cry 2, the critically acclaimed Far Cry 3 and that games spinoff- the sci-fi themed Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

  • Far Cry Classic – Far Cry Classic is the premiere and ultimate console version of the very first Far Cry game. Take the role of charter boat captain, Jack Carver, who finds himself hunted by an unrelenting team of highly trained mercenaries in this nature-gone-wrong FPS adventure. This HD revamp features stunningly realistic foliage, real-time day and night cycles, drivable underwater, commandeer, or even flying vehicles, and more…
  • Far Cry 2 – Caught between two rival factions in war-torn Africa, you are stricken with malaria and forced to make deals with corrupt warlords on both sides of the conflict in order to hunt down your mark – The Jackal.  This version includes the full single-player campaign and Multiplayer.
  • Far Cry 3 – Beyond the reach of civilization lies a lawless island ruled by violence and human suffering.  This is where you find yourself stranded, caught in a bloody conflict between psychotic warlords and indigenous rebels, where your only escape is through drugs or the muzzle of a gun.  Includes the full single-player campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-op modes.
  • Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon – The year is 2007.  It is the future.  You are Sergeant Rex Colt: Mark IV Cyber Commando.  Earth has been ravaged by a nuclear war, which erupted in the 90s. Get the girl, kill the bad guys and save the world.  Includes the full single-player campaign.  “Packed with entertaining action and hysterical writing, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is an ‘80s-inspired blast.” – Kevin VanOrd, Gamespot.

Though this set is exclusive to the UK (for now anyway), the already released Far Cry Compilation is still very much available on store shelves. That package isn’t quite as complete as The Wild Expedition since it includes all the game in the series except the redone original, but at least it’s something for Far Cry-ers to sink their teeth into.

As for Farc Cry The Wild Expedition, you can expect to find that at your local UK retailer on February 21st on the Xbox 360 and PS3 for the price of £29.99 and on PC at the price of £24.99.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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