Namco’s upcoming Ace Combat Infinity will be a free-to-play title exclusively for the PS3.

Yes the PS3, not the upcoming PS4, will be the home of the newest Ace Combat title to roll off of Namco’s assembly line. The game will be free-to-play and will reportedly include both single and multiplayer missions under the title of Ace Combat Infinity.
“The Ace Combat franchise has evolved dramatically over the years, but never before have we been able to offer its amazing graphics and tactical action for free,” Namco Bandai Europe senior VP Olivier Comte stated.
Free is always nice, micro-transactions less so. Currently there isn’t too much info about ACI though, so we don’t really know how much you’ll actually have to ‘buy into’ post launch if you want to actually have a good time playing this free-to-play game.
I am a little surprised by the fact that it’s headed to the PS3 and not the 4 though. A new Ace Combat of any kind would certainly be very welcome in the next generation by PlayStation fans. Though nothing has been even hinted at as of yet, ACI might just be a stop-gap until a true next-gen Ace Combat can take to the PS4 skies at some point.
In the meantime though- free dogfights are not exactly a bad thing.
Source: MCV