Home / News / Surgeon Simulator 2013 to support Oculus Rift and Razer Hydra

Surgeon Simulator 2013 to support Oculus Rift and Razer Hydra

Surgeon Simulator 2013 developers Bossa Studios have announced that its popular simulation game will be receiving support from the Oculus Rift VR set and the Razet Hydra motion controller.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 is a game where you must perform an operation on a patient using surgical equipment (Believe me, sounds alot easier then it actually it is). Originally, players only had the option of performing a heart transplant, but in later editions of the game there were various other modes added.

For those of you who wish to try out the new hardware, it will be made playable on June 22 and 23 2013 during the Rezzed games show at the NEC, Birmingham, UK, which fortunately for me, is only around the corner from where I live.

About MrAwkwardOne

I've been a gamer since I was a child (which is going way back when) the very first console I owned was the Sega Master System, during my time as a gamer I have pretty much come across nearly every console including the Bally Astrocade(which requiered cassette tapes to play games) so I have broad range of knowledge when it comes to video games. My favourite game of all time is between Shadow Hearts (a rare gem of an RPG released for the Playstation 2) and Final Fantasy VIII.

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