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The Star Wars is official

George Lucas’ original draft of ‘The Star Wars’ is coming to comics.

Okay, honestly- I thought this was an April Fools ‘announcement’, but that’s far from the truth. The Star Wars is an adaptation of Star Wars creator George Lucas’ first draft of the now classic sci-fi tale. And if you’re familiar with that original drafting and just how different it was from the finished product, then you know this is one to get excited about.

How does “A story of Jedi Annikin Starkiller and General Luke Skywalker, an alien named Han Solo, and evil Sith Knights” sound? Yep, it’s that different. So how did this whole thing come to be a reality? Writer J.W. Rinzler (not to be confused with the repurposed Tron who served Clu in Tron: Legacy) sums it up:

“While researching in the Lucasfilm Archives I’ve found many treasures—but one which truly astounded me was George’s rough draft for The Star Wars. His first complete imaginings were hallucinating to read—mind blowing,” said writer J.W. Rinzler. “While working with George on another book project, I once asked if we could adapt his rough draft. He was hesitant. Years later, with Dark Horse’s invaluable help, we showed him a few drawn and colored pages of what it might look like. He gave us the okay.”

I wouldn’t have thought that something like this would ever have gotten the go ahead with Lucasfilm’s recent purchase by Disney, but here it is. As a huge Star Wars fan myself (and one that’s never read the ‘draft’ screenplay), I personally can’t wait to sit down and read this one.

The 8 issue run begins in September; that’s a fact that’s going to make this Summer a very long one for fans.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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