The sequel to NeocoreGames The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is on the way later this month, but before out review arrives, we’ve got a special ‘Horror Month’ preview of the game and a look at what you can expect from it.
Having played the original, I dare say I have some knowledge of the world found in The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II. That world was comprised of a pretty unique mix of Steampunk and fantasy elements.
It has almost no connection with the 2004 movie, by the way; well, besides a similar protagonist and world that is. I had the opportunity to play some of the early access version of the new title and wanted to give off my opinions about the new entry in this franchise.
Starting off, one of the best things about this new sequel is how the developer allows you to choose whether to start from the very begging of the upgrade treadmill or to start from a bit more of a built character, something like level 30. This allows you to skip all the grinding if you’ve already played the original and just focus on the story and world. I’ve also heard rumor that you might be able to bring in your previous character into this game from that first installment, if you’ve happened to grow very close to them.
The story is very similar to the original, taking place directly after the first entry. But it should be noted that if you have not played the original, it’s not exactly something that will require sparknotes. Plus, and lets be honest here, the only reason you boot this game up is to kill thousands of enemies and collect their drops.
And this is what this series excels at, being a Diablo clone in the best of ways. You collect abilities as you progress as well. Building up both Van Helsing and his etherial companion Katarina can get you to the pint where they pretty much become unstoppable; and giving them the best statistics when it comes to weapons and armor is as fun as it usually is in these types of games.
From this short preview opinion, you should know if you would be interested in this kind of game of not. The full game is to be officially released on May 22, but if you just can’t wait to get your hands on it, definitely pick it up on Steam Early Access. And if you’re waiting for launch, look forward to our full review coming later this month.