Home / News / Co-op, shape-shifting ARPG Coridden gets a Next Fest demo

Co-op, shape-shifting ARPG Coridden gets a Next Fest demo

Debuting at today’s Next Fest, Coridden is an action RPG that lets players shape-shift into monstrous beasts to survive a wild future.


Turn-based RPG’s might be all the rage right now, but there are still some pretty exciting real-time, action-based role-players out there. Take Coridden for example, a game from Swedish developer Aftnareld and Anshar Publishing.

The title takes players to a future Earth, where humanity had been walled away in one mega-city for hundreds of years. Now cast out of this techno-Eden, humans must learn to deal with a world that’s gone wild… and just a tad magical.

Okay maybe more than a “tad”, since the main gameplay mechanic of Coridden is shape-shifting. Players can take on foes in traditional ways for sure, but they can also become those foes, as long as they’ve beaten them first. So yeah, you can ‘become the monster’ in this game, though that’s not all.

Unlike some other aRPG’s, Coridden allows for up to four players. And while you can all pull the above magic trick if you like, you can also team up, with one player becoming a nasty beasty, and the other riding on his or her back, firing at surrounding foes. Slick enough for you? We thought so.

Coridden follows a family of warriors who become the enemies they defeat – any enemy. If you can fight it, you can be it. Developer Aftnareld crafted every battle so you can approach it however you wish, whether you’re a formidable magic monster or a plain ol’ human. Coridden lets you nurture or neglect your human and monster skills as you see fit to create a unique playstyle all your own, combining abilities, making new weapons, and pulling off wild experimental combos in tense, real-time battles.

Anshar Publishing press release

Heading to PC some time this summer, Coridden has that mentioned Steam Next Fest demo up right now. You’ll be able to get a taste of the full adventures that lie in wait later this year, though only for a limited time. Next Fest and its demos are up now, and run through February 12th, 2024.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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