Paramount’s original series prequel, returns to the bridge of Captain Pike’s Enterprise next week with season 2 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Stranger still
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds follows Captain Pike, Number One and Spock in the years before Captain Kirk boarded the iconic starship. This season, strange knows no bounds as the trio continues their journey across the galaxy.
Paramount press release
As you can see there, Strange New Worlds’ second season is set to be an interesting one. Not only do fans get more of the original crew of the Enterprise, but a crossover with the characters from the animated Trek show, Lower Decks. How is that possible, given that Lower Decks takes place after The Next Generation’s era? No idea. Tune in when the show returns to Paramount+ on June 15th and find out?
That’s something you can do with or without a Paramount+ subscription, by the way. The streaming service still has that ‘free trial’ option, so for those without a sub, you can sign up and check it out in complementary fashion.