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McFarlane Toys picks up Star Trek license, Discovery and classic series’ first up

Star Trek will be returning to the toy aisles. Collector toy company McFarlane Toys has announced that Discovery, TOS, and TNG figures are on the way.

To go where no one has gone before

It’s been a good long while since there were Trek toys populating the aisles at toy stores. In its heyday, Trek eras and timelines of every flavor were positively huge. And a gigantically inclusive line from Playmates Toys was seemingly everywhere. That was the 90s though, when The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and even Voyager were dominating the sci-fi scene on TV. Needless to say, since I was a Trek super-fan, I was a huge fan of it all.

Since then though, there’s been precious little. Sure DST has produced a few things, we saw some pretty terrible movie-based figures hit, and there were building sets from Mega Bloks… but that’s been all from what was a juggernaut of a franchise. Well, get ready, because we might be seeing some Star Trek resurgence.

Taking place in the original timeline, Star Trek Discovery hits this Fall, and with it will be some new toys. McFarlane has announced that they’ll be producing action figures based on the show, and then some. It won’t just be Discovery though, but also the Original Series and The Next Generation that’ll be getting some love from the house of Todd.

Star Trek toys live

Star Trek is hands down one of the most groundbreaking and innovative franchises in the history of entertainment,” said Todd McFarlane, Owner and CEO of McFarlane Toys. “We plan on carrying that forward with our upcoming toy lines, giving fans a fresh and detailed look, that their favorite characters deserve.”

With McFarlane on board, you might imagine that Trek IP owner CBS is pretty pleased. And you’d be right.

“We are excited to sign McFarlane Toys as the first licensee for Star Trek: Discovery. Their commitment to quality and dedication to fans is the perfect combination to bring this lineup of products to life,” said Veronica Hart, Senior Vice President of CBS Consumer Products. “We know Star Trek fans worldwide are looking forward to it as much as we are.”

While it remains to be seen just how ‘complete’ this line will be in scope, to hear that it’s not just Discovery that’ll be getting action figures is very nice. We actually already know some of who’ll be in the first wave too, as Mcfarlane is ready to talk characters.

Kicking things off? None other than the most famous captains in Trek history, Kirk and Picard. According to McFarlane, the figures will be in the 7″ scale, and feature window-box, collector packaging. Phasers and communicators? Yep, expect some accessories to be packed-in too.

So is this a part of Color Tops?

If you’re not familiar, Color Tops is a line that McFarlane produces currently. It’s a pretty cool series, though it features limited poseability, which has riffled a few feathers here and there. There’s no mention of the line at all in the rest release though, so it seems as though Trek will be it’s own thing.

And that’s cool, though if I were you, I’d still approach with caution. I’m going to assume that these figures will be more in line with Color Tops in execution. And by that, of course, I mean that they’ll be more like mini-statues with some posing options, than full on action figures. Not that I have any more info on the series than what you’re reading here. It’s just an educated guess.

Still though, McFarlane produces some awesome looking stuff, and I’ll ore than likely snatch up their Trek offerings with glee. That’s something that you’ll be able to consider when the line lands at retail in the Spring of 2018. They’ll cost you $19.99 USD each.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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