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Serenity #6 (comic) Review

Inara is tracking down a missing River, when she encounters Ceres, a rival companion. What is really going on out here? Find out in Serenity #6.

Check out our write up of Serenity #5 here.

Conflicting Companions

Serenity #6-2Aboard the Alliance Operative Kalista’s vessel, Inara bumped into Ceres, another companion. Apparently these two are not the best of friends, seeing as they have pistols trained on one another. Hashing out details of who’s-better-than-who prompts the girl fight everyone expects. While deeper in the ship the rest of the team has located River and her cellmate. Simon works on picking the lock while the rest keep watch. Almost everyone is ecstatic at the reunion, with the exception of River. Wrapping her mind around the problem of the trigger word and what it does to her, has her immobilized. She tells Simon she may be better with a bullet in the head after all.

It’s time to stop running! -Malcolm Reynolds

Zoe’s harsh reality check gets River in motion. And Mal doesn’t know when to stay down. He’s battered. He’s bruised. Blood runs down his face. Kalista keeps knocking him to the ground, but he refuses to stop. The longer he can keep her focus, the better odds his team has of getting River and Iris off her ship. Kalista tells Mal all about the grand plans the Alliance has, once these Peacemaker rebels are dealt with. Before she can deal her final blow to our crippled Captain, Inara connects with a firm pistol to the back of her head. She’s out for a while.

Runaway Rebels

Mal, Zoe, and the rest of the crew finally reunite outside of the ship. However it seems Jayne and his friends became targets while rescuing River, and are quickly becoming outnumbered. River tells Zoe to get everyone to the transport, she and Iris will take care of the ‘sisters’.

Mericourt moves along with her plan as intended. As Mal and his team flee the battle, they see some of her gang planting explosives on the silverliners. Mal was being used, and Mericourt no longer has any use for him.

Suprising Secrets

Ceres let slip that Inara had a skeleton in her closet from the war. Seemed it would be good fodder for picking a fight between Inara and her Captain, given their sides in history. Well, Mal got wind of it, and they finally had a chance to bring it out in the open. Inara informed on a supplier, which ended up in a massacre. Whether she was right or wrong, it caused her to be no longer welcome in the home of her profession. At the moment though, Mal has no use for words. He leaves her quarters without so much as a grunt.

After River’s trigger word tyrade, Zoe refuses to let River near her baby ever again. Captain Reynolds gathers the crew and makes a decree: Somehow, theyre bringing the Alliance down, once and for all. If anyone doesn’t like it, they can get off at the next stop. It’s time to stop running!


It’s always a good day when you get a little Jayne Cobb action. He’s never got his grenades when he could really use them. Being double-crossed by shady leaders doesn’t help things either. Mal has had enough, and who can blame him. Roberson and company have done an amazing job at continuing the Firefly/Serenity story. I for one hope they’re not ready to hang up these titles any time soon. Pick up your copy today!

Serenity #6

Writer: Chris Roberson
Penciller: Georges Jeanty
Inker: Karl Story
Colorist: Wes Dzioba
Cover Artist: Dan Dos Santos

Not So Merry Mal



Mal is able to reunite his team, even though things never seem to go as planned. Now that Mericourt is done with him, I wonder where the crew will lead us next.

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About Mack

A fan of media on multiple platforms, I am always watching or playing something! Who knows what I will be on to next?

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