There’s a lot going on with Meridiem and ChaoticBrain’s noir cyber-adventure Neon Blood, and all of it’s looking good.
She was a dame to kill for
Cyberpunk themes might not be something that you see every day in the gaming multiverse, but the genre still has its fans. It’s just that, again, you don’t see all that many titles taking advantage of it. But if you’re that base and have been jonesing for something that leans into the ‘cyber’, then Neon Blood might hit the spot. Add in copious amounts of noire aesthetic and a classic-looking ‘graphic adventure’ feel to its gameplay, and the game from Meridiem and developer ChaoticBrain might be one to watch.
Its hard-boiled story takes place years after WWIII, and is set in the last big city on Earth, a “macropolis” called Viridis. It’s there that detective Axel McCoin just might be on his way to speaking a revolution.
In the year 2053, after World War III, humanity has been reduced to a single macropolis, Viridis, composed of two cities: the luxurious Bright City and the dystopian Blind City.
Axel McCoin, a detective from Blind City, driven by his ideals, rebels against the injustices caused by the social separation between the two cities and the general social inequalities, becoming a symbol of a revolution.
In his adventure, Axel will encounter powerful allies who will aid him in his quest, as well as enemies who will stand in his way, such as Ruby Emerald, who will do everything possible to thwart Axel’s plans.
Meridiem press release
Neon Blood will be released at the mass market in digital form, but it’ll also have a limited edition physically boxed delivery. Fans of all things three-dimensional will be able to find that exclusively in Europe, delivered by the aforementioned Meridiem, and only for the Nintendo Switch and PS5.

Whichever version you grab though, you’ll be doing so later on this year, as Neon Blood has a “Q4 2024” release window.