Home / News / The reborn Lords of the Fallen crusades to consoles and PC today

The reborn Lords of the Fallen crusades to consoles and PC today

Questing into the realms of the living and the dead is Lords of the Fallen, which reboots the aRPG for consoles and PC.

The fallen are risen

Lords of the Fallen’s history is a little confusing, and that might be putting it mildly. Originally released in 2014 by CI Games, the Deck13-developed dark fantasy-actioner was more or less a soulslike that did get some critical and fan acclaim. Shortly after that, a sequel was revealed, though it went through a seemingly painful development, and eventually made its way into development hell.

There it remained till just last year, when a new Lords of the Fallen was announced by Hexworks (a CI Games studio), entitled… Lords of the Fallen. So is this new title a reboot, a remake, or something all together new that just so happens to share the title? It’s honestly not all that clear from the promotional material, though just how darn good this new game is looking is pretty plain to see.

Crafted with Unreal Engine 5, Lords of the Fallen splits players’ adventures between two different worlds, that of the living and a demonic world called the Umbral. Both realms are of course radically different in look, and in terms of what challenges they throw at the player, who finds him/herself in the role of a Crusader, out to defeat the forces of a vile demon god.

Did we mention that it looks incredible?

Cast in the role of a Dark Crusader, one of the devout and ferocious champions of the Church of Orius, players will find themselves facing demonic hordes and catastrophic bosses across both planes of reality. To aid such endeavours, they must harness the ungodly powers of the Umbral Lamp; an object that imbues its bearers with the ability to transcend realms, flay the very souls of enemies, and even manipulate the environment, itself. The lamp also provides its bearer a second chance to overcome defeat; die in the land of the living, and players will rise again in Umbral… where the longer your stay, the more dangerous it becomes.

Hexworks press release

One note too, is that the term “soulslike” is nowhere to be found in the promotional materials for the new Lords of the Fallen. Instead Hexworks dubs it an “action RPG”, which is certainly a different genre. From the looks of the above, there’s definitely some of the former genre still happening in this game, but whether it’s as brutal as some souls titles are, is something we can’t tell you.

If you’re up for the quest however, Lords of the Fallen (2023) is out now for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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