Home / News / Get ready Guardians, Destiny 2: Lightfall arrives today

Get ready Guardians, Destiny 2: Lightfall arrives today

Bungie’s long-lived Destiny 2 is ready for its next huge update, with the penultimate chapter in the Light and Darkness saga. Ready for Lightfall?

Light of the day

The next chapter in Destiny 2’s sci-fi saga is there with Lightfall, and it’s been a long time in the making. The latest expansion for the game, Lightfall sets up the eventual capper for the MMO’s current arc, Light and Darkness.

With it comes The Witness, a villain who’s not only ridiculously powerful and threatens the existence of the Traveller, but also might be one of the most interesting-looking characters in pop culture.

In Lightfall, Guardians will be tasked with preventing the apocalypse by stopping the Witness and its newest disciple, Calus. Along the way, Guardians will cross paths with the Shadow Legion, including the terrifying and formidable new Tormentors, who are bent on causing devastation in the high-tech capital of Neomuna.

Bungie press release

Along with the storyline, the new pack also includes quite a bit of fresh content. Players can expect a new subclass power with Strand, which will grant them the “ability to pluck the threads that bind the universe together”. If you’re scratching your head, that means each Guardian class will get new attacks and a grapple ability, aimed at new level-traversal options.

That’s all in addition to Season of Defiance, which also hits today. That “will find Guardians called into action by Mara Sov and the Queensguard to investigate the Pyramid outputs appearing across the planet and stand in defiance of humanity’s greatest foes”.

So if you’re one of the Destiny 2 faithful, there’s a lot of new stuff you too play around with today. You an grab the update for all versions of Deestiny 2 right now.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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