Home / Comics / The Phoenix Force to return again in new Avengers arc

The Phoenix Force to return again in new Avengers arc

Marvel has just taken the wraps off of Enter the Phoenix, an upcoming Avengers arc that will see Earth’s Mightiest face off with the chaos bringer.


Yes, the Phoenix Force is back once again to wreak havoc on the Marvel Universe. But let’s all put annoyances with modern Marvel’s predilection for using formerly one-off plot-points over and over again aside. Or at least, I’ll put it aside.

I’m talking about the Phoenix Force of course. The main ‘villain’ in one of the greatest X-Men tales of all time. In recent years, the Phoenix has returned a few times, and now will again in this fall’s Enter the Phoenix.

EtP is a brand new arc coming to the pages of Avengers this November. The story will revolve around the Marvel U’s number one superhero team, as several members become infected with the formerly Jean Grey-centric Phoenix.

Those teammates are slotted to be Captain America, Black Panther, and She-Hulk. As you’ll see in the official synopsis below, they’re not the permanent new hosts, as the Force is choosing one to bear its terrible burden.

So, it’s a tryout!

“I AM PHOENIX!” Those immortal words will take on new life this December when Jason Aaron and Javier Garron’s next great Avengers epic, “ENTER THE PHOENIX,” begins. To anticipate the return of the cosmic chaos-bringer, your favorite Marvel characters will be reborn as Phoenix hosts this November in astonishing variant covers by some of the industry’s top artists including Salvador Larroca, Kris Anka, and Aaron Kuder. Captain America, Black Panther, and She-Hulk are no longer the heroes you knew as they bond with the Phoenix Force to spread rebirth—or destruction—throughout the Marvel Universe. In the end, only one will be chosen to wield this terrifying and great power when the Phoenix Force chooses a new host. Find out more when “ENTER THE PHOENIX” begins this December but in the meantime, check out the Phoenix Variant covers listed below and keep your eyes peeled for more coming your way in November!

Marvel Comics

While the first part of Enter the Phoenix won’t hit stores till November, you can check out the first reveals of the variant cover initiative that’ll arrive with it. As you can see, this will be hitting more than just the core Avengers title, and will include some ‘what-ifs’ as well.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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