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Bang 2 – Issue 2 – Comic Book Review

We thought we knew what was going on with Thomas Cord in Bang. What do we know? Where do we go in Bang 2?

Why Isn’t He Wearing Any Shoes?

We’re in a crowded train. How could he be barefoot? Bang 2 starts off just as randomly as the first issue. John Shaw is riding the train with a bunch of random passengers, when he is recognized. John was “THE” guy a few years back that had been at the right place at the right time.
When you save a cruise ship, people seem to remember you, for a time.

The passengers on the train continue to discuss what happened on that night, years ago. John Shaw looked like a real-life action hero. John’s got the moves alright, but like so many things in life, they come at a cost.

How In The … ?

Not all heroes will bask in the glory of what they’ve accomplished…

OK, so John doesn’t like to wear shoes. I can respect that, though there are far too many places I would not want to be found without my shoes. Now he’s got this other quirk: He is receiving packages from some unknown delivery girl.

He gets packages of inhalers that give him incredible abilities for short periods of time. Packages that are keyed to him specifically. How? Why?
What I can tell you, is that as I read Bang 2, John brings to mind some other action stars that make you smile when you recognize it.

Having the abilities that John has been given, would be both a blessing and a curse. Having to decide which ability to utilize. Limited supply and effect. It is clear that John has gotten used to these decisions, and gets himself out of trouble.
With a bit of Chuck Norris inspiration, John takes care of the evil men on the train seeking global destruction. All this to show, that John can take care of business.

Blessing Or Curse

Being looked up to is one thing. Seen as people’s hero, is not for everyone. It is easy to understand why some people shun the spotlight. John seems to fall into the latter side of this category. He was able to save a cruise ship, but not as well as he wanted.

The real confusing part is how this issue wraps up, and you’ll have to pick up a copy for yourself to experience the same feeling that I did. We learn a bit more about these graphic novels. We saw a few of them mentioned in Bang 1, and now they play a part in Bang 2. What is up with that, and how do they tie together?
We’ll all have to wait until Bang 3 comes out, and learn a bit more for ourselves!


originAlity - 91%
ImaGery - 88%
StorytellinG - 90%



John Shaw is the guy you want on your side, whether you need a gunslinger or a mathematician. I can't wait to see how this story grows!

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About Mack

A fan of media on multiple platforms, I am always watching or playing something! Who knows what I will be on to next?

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