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Batman: The Animated Series to get new comic

Now this is some awesome (not to mention unexpected) news – Batman: The Animated Series is continuing in the pages of a new comic book mini-series.

The Dark Knight returns

If you’re a Bat-fan who’s been hankering for the glory days of the Dark Knight and his iconic turn in the famed Batman: The Animated Series, then you’re going to love this news.

DC Comics has announced that the universe created by Paul Dini will be returning, but in the form of a new comic book mini-series. Written by the TV show’s creators Dini and Alan Burnett, the book is scheduled to run for 6 issues starting this May. And while some cover illustrations don’t reflect it, the interiors will all be done in the classic Bruce Timm ‘animated’ style. Those will be provided by penciler Ty Templeton.

Keeping pace with the original

The new series won’t be some radical time shift. This is B:TAS as you like it, and as Dini explains, the comic picks up right from the show. So you’ll see all your old favorites in action.

Not that there won’t be any changes, as Dini, Burnett, and Templeton will have some new characters to play with…

“Fans familiar with the Batman of The New Batman/Superman Adventures will be right up to speed,” says Paul Dini. “Alan and I approached the writing with the idea that we were doing the season you might have seen if we had not put the series aside to do Batman Beyond.”

“Tim Drake is still a very young Robin,” added Ty Templeton of the timing of the series. “Batman isn’t middle-aged or anything, and we’re not even close to the events of Batman Beyond.”

“What is different, however, is that we’re going back to cover certain gaps in the original series, events that didn’t have a bearing on the series at the time, but now do,” continued Alan Burnett. “In other words, there will be secret histories that will turn Batman’s world upside down. Things that no one knew were out there, until now.”

“Perhaps the most intriguing character in the run will be young man whose story threads through most of the issues,” teased Burnett. “He’s a smart, super-elusive loner who knows way too much about the Dark Knight. How this mystery man fits into the world of Batman Adventures and what he means to accomplish should, I hope, be a real jolt for old fans.”

DC Comics

Ready to head back to Gotham? Batman: The Adventures Continue #1 lands on racks this May the 6th.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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