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One:12 Collective Wonder Woman (Action Figure) Review

Mezco Toyz finally gets around to offering a comic book version of Wonder Woman, and it’s an absolute gem, cape and all.

You’re a wonder

Mezco’s One:12 Collective has been around for a while now, and most fans and collectors know just how great it is. It should be, since these figures come in at a premium price, but I digress.

Cost aside, Mezco has created a line with the One:12 that regularly produces some of the best 6″ representations of its licensed characters anywhere. When it’s firing on all cylinders, the line showcases key versions of heroes and villains like Batman, Spider-Man, Flash, Green Lantern, Cyclops and Joker. Now you can add one more to that list with Wonder Woman.

True this isn’t the first version of Diana to grace the series, but the previous one was based on the DC movies, starring Gal Gadot. And while that was a fine incarnation, it’s not the comics version. Maybe that’s a part of why this one is just so flat-out great.

Build Quality

Wonder Woman is made just about as well as any other One:12 figure. That means she’s fairly sturdy, though I don’t know if any of these figures are great for the younger set. These are collector figures after all, and not meant for kids to play with.

Bottom line though, is that she’s not going to fall apart like some collector lines have a reputation of doing, and she’s going to be able to hold most poses on your shelf. She’s also got top notch sculpting and articulation. For the most part anyway.

While the sculpt is awesome, including her uniform and features, WW does have a slight issue with the posability. That comes in the form of there being no ab crunch. There is waist movement, but it’s limited due to the style of her outfit.

That’s not to say that she’s not capable of looking cool next to the other figures in the series, but she’s got a limitation there. I would have liked to have seen it addressed, but then again I’m not sure how that’d be done. The costume is the reason for it, and Mezco isn’t going to throw a point of articulation across the mid-section, ruining the look. That’s not the style of the line.


Picture Wonder Woman at her most iconic and you’ll likely get a mental picture of this figure. It’s, as you can see, stunning. And also, not the least bit a sight for sore eyes after seeing WW go through what’s not been the greatest series of outfits over the last few years.

Not that the current, movie-inspired ‘skirt’ is bad. It’s actually pretty cool looking. It’s just that this is the original look, more or less, and it’s just as great looking as it’s ever been.

Mezco did make some minor upgrades here however, as they’re wont to do. There’s more detail in general. Overall though, there’s no mistaking this as the classic Wonder Woman costume.

WW also has room to store some of her accessories, all of which are perfectly fitting and really enhance the figure.


When I knock One:12 figures, it’s often just because they don’t include enough accessories. I like to see ‘collector’ figures include as much stuff as possible, since the price is significantly higher than with something like a Marvel Legends figure (for example). Sometimes they don’t though, as with figures like Mezco’s movie Superman. Then again, they go above and beyond on occasion too, as with Wonder Woman here.

Diana includes two lassos, one wrapped and one wired to pose with. Both look great, though the loose one definitely could have been longer. It’s a little tough to get her looking ‘right’ with it.

She’s also got a sword and shield, which add an element that I didn’t even know I wanted. There’s an axe as well and even a spear, which almost borders on overkill.

You’ll also find extra hands, the usual base and flight stand, two different head sculpts (which both look great), and a cape. No, Wonder Woman really doesn’t wear a cape, but long time fans will recall that she has had one on occasion. Even recently, I think she might’ve donned one in the Brave and the Bold mini-series.

It certainly isn’t her typical look. More or less, it’s a niche addition, and something that a good deal of fans might not even care about. So it’s pretty incredible to see it included here. Oh, and to make it even better it’s got a wire in it for posing.


Wonder Woman is nothing short of another home run for the One:12 Collective. This incredible figure does have some flaws, but the highs far outweigh them. If you’re a fan, or just someone who wants all the DC heavy-hitters, this is one that you need to check out.

Wonder Woman
Release date: November 2019
Maker: Mezco
Line: One:12 Collective
MSRP: $80.00 USD

Build Quality - 90%
Aesthetic - 96%
Extras - 100%



The best Wonder Woman figure of all time? Could be. Mezco's WW has excellent sculpting and good articulation, and more accessories than you can shake a lasso of truth at. It's another gem in a line that's becoming an absolute mine of them.

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About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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