Home / Books / Udon’s Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide gets hardcover edition in 2020

Udon’s Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide gets hardcover edition in 2020

The ultimate guide to Capcom’s Mega Man villains is on the way, from publisher Udon. The book is set to arrive in hardcover, updated format.

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There’s no Mega Man fan who doesn’t know the pain of facing off against the series’ Robot Masters. Boss robots created by the evil Dr.Wily, these bad-bots make life miserable for Mega Man at the close of every level.

More often than not, they’re brutally hard to beat too. Though they do get a tad easier (usually) if you can figure out what their weaknesses are. And to that end, as well as filling in a bunch more info about this incredibly varied lot, comes the Robot Master Field Guide.

The book has been out and about for a while now, but this is a new edition. Udon is reprinting David and Nadia Oxford’s tome, and packing it with the new characters from Mega Man 11.

Inside you’ll find profiles of every major Mega Man character, including all the Robot Masters, plus profiles for other important robots like Proto Man, Rush, Roll, Bass, Duo, and more. Covering the complete classic series (Mega Man 1 through 11), plus Mega Man & Bass, The Wily Wars, and all five Mega Man Gameboy games, each profile features classic CAPCOM artwork. MEGA MAN: ROBOT MASTER FIELD GUIDE – UPDATED EDITION includes quotes, weapons info, and, of course, each Robot Master’s secret weakness! 


Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide will be on the shelves once again this March the 24th, and will cost you $29.99 USD.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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